Furina Kit and Guide - Best Artifacts, Teams, Material, Weapons | Is Furina Worth?
Genshin Impact version 4.2 Livestream has officially revealed Furina- the Hydro Archon and her kit to the players. Furina will be launched in the game on November 8th with the 4.2 version update.

Furina will be the 5th Archon of the Genshin Impact. She will be a Hydro Sword user with-
Off-field Hydro application
Off-field damage
Team damage buffer
Healer and will increase healing bonus for team
Full uptime on her abilities
Both Pneuma and Ousia Arkhe (interchangeable with charged attack)
Different hairstyle and dress in each Arkhe form
Ability to walk on water
Furina and Genshin Impact 4.2 release live countdown
Genshin Impact Furina Complete Kit and Abilities-
Normal and Charged Attacks-
Her normal attacks have nothing special to them at C0. But her charge attack will change her Arkhe alignment between Ousia and Pneuma. In Ousia form she will focus on dealing damage and in Pneuma form she will be a healer.
Elemental Skill- Salon Solitaire
Her elemental skill will have 100% uptime similar to other Archons. It will have 30 second uptime with 20-second cooldown. Her elemental skill will have two different forms depending on her Arkhe alignment.
Ousia form-
She will summon three hydro pets that will damage independently based on Furina's max HP. They will consume the entire party's HP to 50%. Each pet will have different multipliers and attack frequencies. They will deal bonus damage depending upon the number of party members HP consumed - 110%/120%/130%/140% of their original DMG.
They will Consume 1.6%, 2%, 3.6% of HP from your party.
Pneuma form-
She will summon one pet that will heal the active character.
Her elemental skill can be interchanged whenever you want with her charge attack, duration will not refresh.
While her skill is active, the Hydro Archon Furina will be able to walk on the water.
Elemental Burst - Let the People Rejoice
Her elemental burst will be a buffing ability. After casting she will deal AOE hydro damage and start gaining Fanfare stacks based on % of HP decrease and healed of the entire party, max 300 stacks (C0). She will then buff the entire party based on these stacks.
Around 72-75% damage bonus and 40% healing bonus on full stacks and lvl 10 talent.
Max Fnafare stacks C0 - 300
Initial damage - around 30% of max HP (lvl 9)
Duration - 15seconds
Cooldown 18 seconds
Energy Cost - 60
Damage bonus - 0.24% of stacks (lvl 9)
healing bonus - 0.09% of stacks (lvl 9)
Passive talents
Endless Waltz: When the active character in your party is healed, not by Furina, and the healing overflows, then Furina will heal a nearby party member for 2% of their Max HP, every 2s within the next 4s.
Unheard Confession: Every 1,000 points of Furina’s Max HP:
Will increase Salon Member DMG dealt by 0.7%, up to a maximum of 28%.
Will decrease the active character healing interval of the Singers of the Streams by 0.4%, up to a maximum of 16%.
The Sea is My Stage: Xenochromatic Fontemer Aberrant ability CD decreased by 30%. The ability you get during underwater exploration from different sea creatures, their cooldown will decrease.
Ascension Material for Furina
Furina wishers can pre-farm her ascension material and talent material before the official release, the boss mats, flowers and weekly boss drops will be new items with the version 4.2 update.
For her level Ascension you will need-
Hydro stones, Whopper flower drops, Lake light lily (new flowers), Water that Failed to Transcend (new boss material), Mora
For her Talen levels-
Whopper flower drops, Justice mats Fontaine (Talent book Tue/Fri/Sun), New weekly boss material, Crown and Mora
Best Weapons for Furina
Her best weapon will be her signature weapon 'Splendor of Still Waters', which will give her 88.2% crit damage, HP and elemental skill damage.
Her best F2P weapon will be Festering Desire as it will give her elemental skill damage and energy recharge, but sadly this was a limited-time event banner and is not available for everyone. She has a high energy requirement so depending upon teams an ER weapon can be good on her, other than that new Fontain 4-star sword with HP stat is also good for her.
Furina's Best Artifact and Stat
Furina's damage solely depends on her Elemental skill so her best Artifact set will be Golden Troupe as it will give her a 70% Elemental skill damage bonus.
Golden Troupe-
2-Piece: Elemental Skill DMG +20%
4-Piece: Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 25%. Additionally when not on the field, Elemental Skill DMG will be further increased by 25%. This effect will be cleared 2s after taking the field.
For the artifact set these will be the following suitable stats for her.
Sands- For maximum damage, healing and buffing HP% sand will be best for her but she has a high energy requirement so in some team compositions a ER sands can be a good option for her.
HP% > Energy Recharge
Goblet- Furina has a lot of damage bonuses from her passive talents and artifact bonuses so an HP% goblet will be better for her than Hydro damage in most cases.
Hp% > Hydro Damage
Crit > HP%
But using an HP circlet with very good crit sub-stats can be viable but not the best option.
Is Furina Worth Pulling?
Yes, Furina will be one of the strongest characters in the game and will be competing for the top 3 spots in the game. For F2p players she will be a very good and worthwhile pull.
Furina will be the best hydro unit and damage buffer in the game and will take the already best element in the game to the next level. She will become the meta-defining character and power creep characters like Kokomi and Xingqui.